Monday, December 8, 2008

Gone, But Not Forgotten

My wedding day is almost two years behind me, but I still find myself buying wedding magazines, browsing personal pages on The Knot, and drooling over wedding gowns in store windows. It probably doesn't help that I work for the premier wedding florist in Minneapolis, or that we are just about to launch our full-fledged event planning company. I also planned my wedding myself and had the best time of my life doing it. Whatever the reason, I can't seem to pull myself away.

Planning your wedding, while I applaud anyone who does it themselves, doesn't necessarily mean you're a wedding planner. And I by no means am trying to present myself as such. I just love the feeling a beautiful event evokes in me. So, that being said, I want this space to gather my ideas. Maybe I'll share tips that I learned along my path or that I learn from the brides that I work with. Maybe not. And, just maybe, I can give someone else a little inspiration for their own event.

1 comment:

Lady Prism said...

Exciting! Exciting! I look forward to reading your bloggy :)


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student floral designer wife dog mama floridian at ♥